Curtiss P-40 Miscellany

Here you'll find miscellaneous P-40-related material... from artwork, to film and TV appearances,
to wartime advertising, and more. I'm also hoping that this section of the site will eventually
see the return of the model building pages as well as the books and publications page.

Hawks in Captivity - P-40s Captured by the Enemy

Hollywood Hawks - the P-40 in Film and Television

Hawks on Canvas - P-40 Artwork

Mad Hawks - the P-40 in Advertising

Henry H. 'Hap' Arnold inspects two desk models, a P-40 on the left and an early
Wright flyer on the right. The news caption from the reverse of the photo reads:

Army to Commemorate Purchase of First Military Plane

Washington, D.C.:- The U.S. Army recently announced that it will commemorate the 30th anniversary of its purchase
of the first military plane from the Wright Brothers in 1909 by holding exercises on August 2nd at Army Air Corps
stations throughout the country. Major General H.H. Arnold is contrasting a model of the early Wright plane in which
Lieut. Thomas Selfridge was killed with a model of the Army's newest pursuit plane. Lieut. Selfridge was the first
U.S. Army man to lose his life in an Army plane crash. (Dated July 26th, 1939)

Man, would your webmaster love to have one of those P-40 desk models!!

Project 914 Archives - Larger Image

The news caption from the reverse of this next photo reads:

Elliott Roosevelt in Air Corps.

Elliott Roosevelt, son of President Roosevelt, was today sworn in as Captain in the Reserve Army Air Corps.
He will take up his duties at Wright Field, Dayton, Ohio, within a few days.

Photos Shows- Elliott Roosevelt looking at a plane model with General H.H Arnold, Chief of Army Air Corps.

Project 914 Archives - Larger Image

A rather simple recognition flash card...

Project 914 Archives

...and then here's a not-quite-so-simple-yet-not-worthy-of-rocket-science recognition
wheel chart featuring some typically dramatic and stylized period artwork depicting the P-40.

National Air and Space Museum - Larger Image

The reverse of the wheel chart is decked out with several Army Air Forces
squadron emblems, including some pursuit/fighter outfits that operated the P-40.

National Air and Space Museum - Larger Image

Two pages from a Finnish Air Force identification manual for Russian aircraft, circa Spring 1942.

You can see the entire manual HERE.

Virtual Pilots - Larger Image

Virtual Pilots - Larger Image

Nicely drawn cutaway meant to represent an initial production P-40.
I can't make out the artist's name, but the year was 1940.

Project 914 Archives - Larger Image

This is a collectable card that was available at the Shea's theater in Buffalo, NY
during the Second World War. It was one in a series of 24, and I liken it to something
of an oversized baseball card. ('Tis 4.5 x 6 inches.) Looking at the way the theater's
name is inserted, I'm guessing that this series of cards was custom printed for various
places of business either regionally or nationally. Whatever the particulars on that score,
the goal in distributing these things is quite clear: try to get everyone, including the kids,
involved in the war effort on some level, and also to keep the kids coming back to your
business to collect all 24 cards and hopefully spend some dough on whatever you were selling!

Project 914 Archives (S.Donacik collection) - Larger Image

Project 914 Archives (S.Donacik collection) - Larger Image

Here's a couple'a variations. Only difference seems to be the national insignia.

Project 914 Archives

Project 914 Archives

There's lotsa rags out there with a P-40 on the cover, and a separate
page will eventually be added for that kinda thing. But for now, we'll leave this
here... a P-40E getting some TLC on the cover of the April 1944 ish of 'FLYING'.

Project 914 Archives (S.Donacik collection) - Larger Image

Caricature aviation art was quite prevalent during the 1930s and 40s, with many an
artist choosing the P-40 as the basis for their whimsy. Here's just one example.

Project 914 Archives - Larger Image

Another semi-sorta planned expansion for the Hawk's Nest would be a page for
cartoons and comics. Until I get around to that, however, I'll just drop this here...

From: 'There I Was...' by Bob Stevens - Larger Image