Soviet P-40s at
Abadan Airfield, Iran

The following two photos show the assembly of P-40Ks (both short and long-tailed)
at Abadan Airfield during March of 1943. Also visible outside the hangar are numerous Douglas
A-20 Havocs, Bell P-39 Airacobras, at least two North American AT-6 Texans, and many P-40s.

FSA/OWI Collection, Library of Congress (Nick Parrino photo) - Larger Image

FSA/OWI Collection, Library of Congress (Nick Parrino photo) - Larger Image

Seen in this shot are numerous A-20s, P-39s, AT-6s, and at least three dozen P-40s.

National Archives and Records Administration via Fold3 - Larger Image

The NARA caption for the above photo:

This view shows some of the P-40s seen in the background of the previous photo.
There appears to be a mix of long-tailed P-40Ks, P-40E-1s (two ships with light
colored spinners and undersides) and short-tailed P-40Ks. A few hundred P-40E-1s
were fitted with the fin fillet and Allison V-1710-73, ala the P-40K-1 and -5, and it's
possible that the P-40E-1s and short-tailed 'P-40Ks' shown here may actually all be
some of those few hundred ships. (See the two photos of P-40E-1 41-36942 below.)

National Archives and Records Administration via Fold3 - Larger Image

A closer look at P-40K-10-CU 42-10135...

National Archives and Records Administration via Fold3 - Larger Image

This next pair of photos shows P-40E-1 41-36942... one of very few P-40E-1s that your
webmaster has seen with a short-tailed P-40K fin fillet and fishtail engine exhausts.

Project 914 Archives (S.Donacik collection) - Larger Image

Project 914 Archives (S.Donacik collection) - Larger Image

A P-40N that's seen better days... the cause of this prang is currently unknown to me.

Project 914 Archives (S.Donacik collection) - Larger Image

These last few photos don't show P-40s, I simply throw 'em in here for the heckuvit.

Project 914 Archives (S.Donacik collection) - Larger Image

Project 914 Archives (S.Donacik collection) - Larger Image

Project 914 Archives (S.Donacik collection) - Larger Image

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