Curtiss C-46 Commando

Originally envisioned as a civil airliner, the Curtiss CW-20T
was the prototype for what would eventually become the C-46 Commando.

Missouri History Museum, F. Dale Smith Collection - Larger Image

Modified with a single tail to improve stability, the prototype was redesignated
'CW-20A' by Curtiss, purchased by the US Army, and given the USAAC designation 'C-55'.

Project 914 Archives (S.Donacik collection) - Larger Image

A Whale is Born

April 11th, 1942. The first C-46A, serial number 41-5159, rolls out of Curtiss Plant #2 at the
Buffalo Airport, Cheektowaga, NY. More C-46s and a single P-40F are visible in the background.

Project 914 Archives (S.Donacik collection) - Larger Image

Project 914 Archives (S.Donacik collection) - Larger Image

Another view... there's some sort of inscription on the port gear door, but I can't make it out.

Project 914 Archives - Larger Image

41-5159 on a test flight, perhaps her first, later the same month.
Several more photos from this series will be added to the site in the future.

National Air and Space Museum Archives (Rudy Arnold Photo Collection) - Larger Image

Next in the Pod

This ship is serial number 41-5160, the second production C-46A.

Project 914 Archives (S.Donacik collection) - Larger Image

Project 914 Archives (S.Donacik collection) - Larger Image

Number Nine, Number Nine, Number...

C-46A 41-5167, the ninth production ship, is seen here on a test hop in WNY skies.

Project 914 Archives (S.Donacik collection) - Larger Image

Migrating Whale

C-46A 42-96535 of the 6th Ferrying Group.

Project 914 Archives - Larger Image

Project 914 Archives - Larger Image

Filing In

A stick of paratroopers heads toward a C-46 that appears to be from the
39th Troop Carrier Squadron, 317th Troop Carrier Group.

Project 914 Archives (S.Donacik collection) - Larger Image

'Merk' and 'Kay'

These next two photos show a pair of Commandos of the Air Transport Command in the
CBI theater. They both appear to be from the same outfit, but I'm not sure which at the moment.

Project 914 Archives (S.Donacik collection) - Larger Image

Project 914 Archives (S.Donacik collection) - Larger Image

A closer look at 'Kay'...

Project 914 Archives (S.Donacik collection) - Larger Image

And just for the heck of it, a closer look at Kay's admirer and the Ponies in the background...

Project 914 Archives (S.Donacik collection) - Larger Image

Missing Whale

C-46A 42-101152 photographed at an unknown (to me) location sometime in 1944.

This ship would later serve with the ATC in the CBI, and went missing
on February 9th, 1945. More info HERE...

Project 914 Archives - Larger Image

Scenic Whale

An anonymous C-46 at an equally anonymous but picturesque airfield. CBI? PTO? I dunno...

Project 914 Archives

Russkie Whale

A single Commando, C-46A 43-47271, was supplied to the Russians for evaluation in May of 1945.

Project 914 Archives - Larger Image

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