Curtiss-Wright Employees
Buffalo, New York
And Other Locations

A-B-C | D-E-F | G-H-I | J-K-L | M-N-O | P-Q-R | S-T-U | V-W-X | Y-Z

Click the links above to view employees of Curtiss-Wright in Buffalo from 1929 to 1948.

Separate listings for Curtiss-Wright employees at the plants in other states, employees
at Buffalo after 1948, and employees of the Curtiss Aeroplane and Motor Company
prior to 1929 will hopefully be added at some point in the future. But for the moment,
some of these folks will be included in the Buffalo listings and noted as such.

My Grandfather, Norman Donacik, kneeling in the front row, far left, and his
crew on the C-46 line at Plant #2. He was a supervisor/inspector, though I
regret to say that I don't know exactly what he did at Curtiss.

Project 914 Archives (S.Donacik collection) - Larger Image

My Grandfather, Norman Donacik.

Project 914 Archives (S.Donacik collection)

At least half a dozen fellas from Curtiss are seen unloading a Messerschmitt 109
from a trailer either in Buffalo, New York, or maybe Toronto, Ontario, Canada in 1941-42.
The aircraft was on a tour around North America to drum up defense bond sales.

Project 914 Archives - Larger Image

Curtiss personnel with the 15,000th Curtiss fighter to be constructed, a P-40N, at the
Buffalo Airport in November of 1944. The ship is marked with the insignia of 28 nations
that have flown Curtiss fighters over the years.

Project 914 Archives (S.Donacik collection) - Larger Image

A closer look at the fellas in the photo...

Project 914 Archives (S.Donacik collection) - Larger Image

Project 914 Archives (S.Donacik collection) - Larger Image

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