Curtiss-Wright Employees
Buffalo, New York
And Other Locations

A-B-C | D-E-F | G-H-I | J-K-L | M-N-O | P-Q-R | S-T-U | V-W-X | Y-Z

Below is a list of folks who worked at Curtiss-Wright in the Buffalo, New York
area from 1929 to 1948 whose names begin with 'A', 'B' or 'C'.

Folks who worked at the other locations are now included in the listings.

Armstrong, Jack
Test Pilot

Bergan, June
Drafting, Plant 2

Berlin, Donovan R.
Chief Engineer

Bicksza, Beatrice
Accounting Department, Plant 2
Miss Warhawk 1944 Runner-Up

Bogan, Kathleen

Boyer, Jack H.
Plant 2
Killed in 'The Accident' 9/11/42

Chase, Paul
Plant 2
Killed in 'The Accident' 9/11/42

Child, Henry L.

Clark, Cecil
Plant 2
Killed in 'The Accident' 9/11/42

Collins, James E.
Plant 2
Killed in 'The Accident' 9/11/42

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