98th Fighter Squadron

98th Fighter Squadron || 303rd Fighter Squadron || 304th Fighter Squadron || 440th Fighter Squadron

A Pair of J-Hawks

Two-ship of long-tailed P-40Ks from the 98th Fighter Squadron.

Project 914 Archives (S.Donacik collection) - Larger Image


John Duddy, center, was a crew chief from the 98th FS... see more photos HERE.

Brian Duddy collection - Larger Image

Another Pair of J-Hawks

An atmospheric shot showing a P-40K and P-40N of the 98th FS, high above the Florida Landscape.
See more photos of 98th FS P-40s and others of the 337th FG from the Michael Drake collection, HERE.

Michael Drake collection via Florida Memory.com - Larger Image

Jug on Skis

No, not a P-40, but a Curtiss-built P-47G from the 98th. This ship was photographed
at Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada in 1943 or 1944 during testing with a fixed set of
skis. I have no additional information about this particular ship or the testing.

Project 914 Archives - Larger Image

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